Does your business need Industrial Relations assistance?
April 26, 2013The state and federal governments of Australia have Industrial Relations policies in place to build high performing workplaces and to minimise the impact of industrial disputes between employers and employees. Policies and strategies include supporting and protecting vulnerable workers, fostering cooperative and sustainable approaches to employee relations and leading and managing emerging industrial relations issues.
Navigating the Industrial Relations policies and issues for varying industries can be a challenge for many small to medium size businesses and may at times require the assistance of an Industrial Relations consultant.
HR4Business Geelong can assist businesses with Industrial Relations issues such as:
- Awards and conditions – including changes in awards and wage rates;
- Industrial Arbitration and assistance with Fair Work Australia including unfair dismissal claims, discrimination, underpayment of wages claims or industrial disputes;
- Industrial Relations policy;
- Workplace agreements;
- Individual contracts including Interim Transitonal Employment Agreements;
- Development of company personnel policies and procedures; and
- Industrial Audit Service – ensuring for business compliance with regards to employees wages and conditions of employment.
Please contact us at HR4Business for access to a Geelong Industrial Relations consultant.