Industrial Relations Geelong

April 23, 2014

Enterprise Agreement Negotiation

Preparation is crucial when embarking on the process of negotiating an enterprise Agreement. Following is an overview of some of the key steps  HR4Business recommends to be undertaken prior to initiating bargaining in relation to enterprise agreement negotiations:

1. Prepare a negotiation schedule/project schedule – includes timeframes, key actions; this will assist in avoiding any nasty surprises.

2. Identify possible members of the negotiation team and bargaining representatives (including default bargaining reps).

3. Identify impact on internal resources and prepare a strategy to alleviate strain on the operations of the business throughout the negotiation period.

4. Analyse the current agreement provisions and organisational practice against the National Employment Standards (NES) and relevant modern award to:

a. Identify gaps in compliance with the NES and Award

b. Compare minimum award provision against current employee provisions

c. Identify new provisions

In addition to providing the organisation with a clear picture of where you stand in terms of compliance and provisions, this step will assist with completion of Fair Work Commission Form F17.

HR4Business HR Consultants are experienced in enterprise agreement negotiations including preparing the detailed paperwork required for submission to the Fair Work Commission. Contact us on 5222 6695 for further information in relation to the range of services related to enterprise agreement negotiations and industrial relations.