Industrial Relations Consultant Werribee

June 3, 2014

Avoiding Unfair Dismissal Claims

HR4Business believes that if some basically simple steps are followed then unfair dismissal claims can possibly be minimised. These steps as highlighted by WorkplaceInfo are:

  • Stipulate (preferably in writing) what you expect of new employees — be clear and succinct;
  • Ensure your policies and procedures manual is up to date;
  • Keep records of relevant encounters/meetings with any member of staff
  • Provide training for line managers and supervisors;
  • Issue appropriate warning letters, keep copies and provide suitable follow-up;
  • Always give the employee a chance to state his/her circumstances;
  • Get assistance as soon as you feel that things are going wrong;
  • Think about dismissal every time you hire someone.  At a bare minimum, you should state the correct period of notice required from the employer and the employee and any unusual rules or practices that apply at your workplace.

If you require assistance in the management of an unfair dismissal claim HR4Business has consultants to assist you.   Please contact us for a free confidential discussion on: (03) 5222 6695.